The annual general meeting was held on January 30th, 1992. Again this meeting took place in what was now generally known as the Credit Union Rooms. The Chairperson gave a very detailed report as to the events of the past year. She expressed her gratitude to Mr. Kevin McMahon for his meticulous work and dedication as editor over the past number of years. The Chairperson also recalled the launch of the fifth journal, a tribute to the late Cardinal Tomas 0 Fiaich, on the first anniversary of his death - at a very memorable function held in the Parish Rooms.
The Treasurer then read and explained his very detailed report. He reported the year as being successful, and gave an account of the number of journals which were sold and what was presently in stock. He also thanked the ladies of the society for working so hard during the year, and providing the food at all the different functions. The Treasurer then presented specially bound copies of the present journal to Mr. Kevin McMahon and Mr. Pat Murphy in recognition for the dedication shown towards the Society over the years. Once again the same committee were returned to serve for another year. At the meeting on March 5th, almost seventy people packed into the Green Room in the Community Centre to hear Dr. Kevin Whelan from U.C.D. lecture on South Armagh in the 18th, century. Although Dr. Whelan lectured for almost two hours, other items on the agenda got a brief airing. Some correspondence was received from the Historic Monuments and Buildings Branch about the work on the O'Neill vault, but no definite word as to when the work would commence.
By early April all the articles for the journal were in, and the editor selected nine of these for publication. The launch date would be either late August or early September.
Over the next couple of months the emphasis was on tourism and once again the Society identified, and complained to the authorities the lack of sign-posts to historical sites in the local area.
The annual summer outing was arranged by Mr. Peter Lavelle to the Burren in Co. Clare, leaving on Friday June 26th, and returning on Sunday June 28th. Friday September 4th, was the day chosen for the launch of the sixth journal. This was also the opening day of the traditional weekend in Crossmaglen and a large crowd was expected on that day. The following day, September 5th, the Society had organised a photographic exhibition on the late Cardinal 0 Fiaich, R.I.P. This exhibition proved very popular and had to be extended by a couple of days. The annual Ecumenical Service was conducted by the Rev. M. Kingston, on Sunday, September 13th, in Creggan Church.
At the October meeting a representative from the Rural Development Council, which is based in Cookstown, informed the Society on how to avail of small grants for projects such as the archives, the Society were setting up in the Credit Union Rooms. She advised making an application for a grant by letter as soon as possible.
Work on repairing the O'Neill vault finally got underway by early November, and was to take six months to complete. The ladies of the Society had a very successful cake sale in Crossmaglen on Friday November 6th. A 'Traditional Night' was also organised in Silverbridge, G.A.A. club rooms for Friday December 4th. A number of artists were booked for the occasion, and the Arts Council provided a small grant towards this expenditure. Again the ladies of the Society provided the excellent buffet for the occasion, an enjoyable night was had by all present.