Seven articles make up this issue of 'Creggan' and can be divided into three sections. The first section takes in three articles on the late Cardinal's 'spoken word'. His Lourdes homilies which he delivered so eloquently, with humour, and love, to his beloved pilgrims. His kind words and sense of history to the parishioners of Creggan Upper at the re-opening of Glassdrummond primary school 1989, almost a year before his sudden and unexpected death. And of course his 'frankness' and 'Irishness' in the Irish Press interview in January 1978. Sister Dr. Evelyn Kenny looks back at early Christianity and some of the early Saints and Scholars who shaped society not just in Ireland but throughout Europe. Dr. C. J. Lynn completes the second section with his observations on The Dorsey, which dates back to 100 B.C. Articles on the townlands of Comonagh and Cregganbane in the parish of Creggan Upper completes the journal. Len Gourd takes a fresh look at the land troubles of the 1880's and the subsequent evictions of eleven families from their holdings in the townland of Comonagh. The children of Mary Ann Bourn have recorded her childhood reminiscences in the townland of Cregganbane. Mary Ann's mother, Catherine Bourke (nee Hearty) better known as "Nurse Bourke" was the midwife who assisted at the birth of Cardinal Tomás ÓFiaich. As editor of 'Creggan' journal I would like to acknowledge my grateful thanks to the members of the Creggan Local History Society for their help and co-operation in producing this issue. To the contributors for their articles. To the page sponsors for their financial assistance. To our printer Mr. Liam Flynn, Dundalk and his friendly and efficient staff, for his excellent workmanship on this, and previous issues of 'Creggan'. And to you the reader, I sincerely hope you get some enjoyment in reading this issue of 'Creggan' and that you will continue to support the society in the future. Michael McShane